Monday, 4 August 2014

My First Haul!

Ok first of all I'm really sorry that I haven't posted in ages. I was doing really well at posting regularly then I had to do a 4 week induction into year 13 and I got lots of homework but I’m back and I’m going to be posting regularly again. I don’t think that I’ve ever done a haul before so this will be my first one! Basically I did a bit of waitressing at a wedding so had some money to spend for once when I went shopping for some bits and bobs for my holiday. I do have lots of other things that I bought separately but they will be in another haul.

Sunglasses from Matalan - £1.50
On holiday sunglasses are essential so I picked these out and amazingly they were on sale so naturally I had to buy them!

Necklace and earing set from Matalan - £4
I  LOVE this colour so when I saw this necklace and earing set I had to buy it! And it was soooo cheap as well which was a bonus. I always thought that Matalan jewellery was a bit frumpy but either I have been wrong all these years or they have got better, because the jewellery was gorgeous but I wanted to save some money for jewellery in other shops.

Butterfly necklace from Superdrug - £4
 I don’t know if this is just me but I never knew that Superdrug sold jewellery! But its soooo pretty and cheap as well. I’ve been trying to wear more necklaces recently because I think they look so pretty, the only thing with this one is that I think the gold might start to rub off as I start wearing it more.

Leopard print grips from New Look - £2.50
I bought a pack of three grips like this last year and I loved them but two of them broke so I thought these would be a good replacement (plus I’m in love with leopard print!)

Earing from Superdrug - £6
Before I bought these I only had simple little gem stud earrings and I thought that these look adorable especially the ladybird once, so of course I had to buy them!

St. Moriz tanning Mit and instant tan from Body Care – I can’t remember how much they were and the receipt has gone missing but together they weren’t more than £10
 I never use instant tan, I always go for gradual tan so I bought this to give it a try because my sister has it and I’ve borrowed it a few times. I have super fair skin so I can only use one coat at a time but so far I’m quite enjoying it. Unfortunately the mit seems to have vanished so hopefully it will turn up soon, fingers crossed.

Face masks from super drug – 3 for 2 which worked out around £2
I’ve recently started loving having baths and I like to put on a face mask while in the bath so I thought I’d try these out

Blue dress from New Look - £10
I absolutely love this dress. The lace in the middle is in just the right place that it extenuates my slim waist and hides my larger bum and thighs haha! Its also the sort of dress that you can dress up or dress down depending on the occasion

Blue crop top from New Look - £7.99
I love wearing a crop top with a skated skirt because I think that it looks so flattering on me so I thought I buy another short top to wear on holiday. Also I love the way this shade of blue looks on me!

Caramelised chocolate sunflower seeds from a small shop called grape Tree - £4.50

These tasted amazing! I know that these are in no way good for you but I tried to convince myself that the seeds were good for you and the coco bean in the chocolate counted as one of your 5 a day!
Hope you enjoyed this haul and I think that there are two more on the way for you if I can find the time to write them! I learnt a few things while doing this one like 1. Cut the ladles off things before taking the pictures and 2. Write down where everything came from and their prices so that you don’t forget. So hopefully the next two will be better!
Have you bought anything cool this summer?
Follow me on Bloglovin! XX <3


  1. I think the best purchase for me were Evian facial misting sprays *literally cooling* :)

    Bf Gf Does Blogging

    1. My sister has bought that, its so cool!

  2. Great post! I really like it :)

    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin? I always follow back :)

    1. Thank you :) I'll definately check out your blog!

  3. My favourite purchase this summer has to be Maybelline's Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser, works so well, especially in this hot weather :)

    1. I haven't bought anything like that this summer! I think I might try this product :)

  4. Hey! So I nominated you for the Liebster Award! For the rules and more info you can check out my post. Just copy and past the link!


    1. Thank you so much! I've already been nominated though, you can check out my Liebester Award post with this link

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you! That was on of my favrouite purchases :)

  6. Nice haul!Your blog is very nice and interesting. I`m glad if you visit my blog, too<3


    1. Thank you! I'll go check out your blog

  7. Love your blog! Love the theme as well and that blue dress :)

    1. Thank you :) I love the dress too!

  8. A four week induction into year 13? O.o We only had a year 12 induction and that only lasted 3 days! Great haul, I had no idea Superdrug sold jewellery either but I am in love with that butterfly necklace!

    Elesaurus |
    YouTube - Eleanor Rose

    1. Yeah for year 12 I only had a 2 day induction. The 4 week induction was to start coursework for year 13 :(

  9. Nice post,dear!
    Keep in touch xoxo

  10. Came across your Blog I would just like to say that your blog is amazing..I love the design and the pictures.. Just amazing

    If you have a minute please come over to my Blog leave a comment if you would.... it would mean a lot

    have a lovely day.. Keep up the good work

    Jade :D

    1. Thank you! Thant really means alot <3 I'll ddefinately go check oout your blog
