Thursday, 12 June 2014

Sephora Nail Varnish review

I was on holiday in France and on one of the days I had to stay in the chalet and revise (boo) while my family went shopping. They asked me if there was anything that I wanted and said that I would like a burgundyish (if thats even a word) nail varnish, and this is what they came up with and I thought that i would do a quick review...


  • It only needed ONE coat!!! The pigment really was amazing!
  • The nail varnish was touch dry within less than 5 minutes
  • The colour is really nice as well
  • They last quite a while without chipping

  • Although it was touch dry I'm less that 5 minutes it took a lot longer to become fully dry (even 3 hours after painting them I got hair lines in them when I went to bed!)
  • I know it's a really dark colour so I should expect it, but even with a base coat on it still stained my nails a reddish colour :(

Overall though it was a really good product! I can forgive it for staining my nails, that's the price you have to pay for awesome nails! And I can forgive it for taking forever to fully dry, but if I was wearing it for a special occasion I would probably put it on the day before to be on the safe side.

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  1. I love this colour, reds for summer are my favourite. Thats such a shame you had to revise on holiday! Hope your exams go well. would love if you could check out my blog :)


    1. Thank you! I'll definately go and check out your blog :D
