Thursday, 25 September 2014

American Haul!

I know I went to America ages ago but I havent had the time to write any posts recently and still want to write about what I bought over there. Better late than never!

3 cuff earings – they were on offer for buy 2 get 1 free so I paid $15 ($7.50 each)
I love these and I’d actually forgotten that I bought them!

Dollar General Store
Wet n Wild Mega last nail polish in the shade Blue Lagoon - $2.00
LA Colors flashpop! In the shade shooting star - $2.50
The Wet n Wild nail polish is great, the flashpop! on the other hand… Its rubbish don’t ever buy it, the only reason I bought it was because it looked like the Revlon nail varnishes.

 Toys 'R' Us
Cars Pez head - $2.29
Pez 8 pack candy refill - $2.29
This I think has to be one of my best buys! I’m a kid at heart. I just finished my last packet of Pez today which I am deeply saddened by. :(

L’oreal Paris Colour riche eyeshadow in the shade 312 army brat - $2.08 from $6.99
Sinfulcolours in the shades 300 easy going and 108 Thimblberry  -$1.99 each
eos lip balm strawberry sorbet - $2.99
elf clarifying pressed powder 1305 ivory - $1
You have to go to Target when in America! And I love everything that I bought there.
Carmex lip balm - $1.99
Jordana eyeliner in the shades seagreen and blue devie - $2.99 each
Both these products are great the only thing I would say though is that the eyeliner smudges quite quickly but the colours are great and the lip balm works really well.

Bath and Body works
5 hand sanitizers for £5
Watermelon  Lemonade sented candle
I love these hand sanitizers and they’re perfect for keeping in your handbag, my favourite is the apple scented one. I did another deal with my sister with the candle, they were on offer at 2 for $22 so I got this one for $11 an it smells amazing.

Wet n Wild 8x mega impact Mascara - $4.29
Maybelline color tattoo in the shade Bad to the Bronze
I was running out of mascara so I bought this, mainly because of how cheap it was. It was good the first time I used it but after that it just dried up so I can’t use it now. The colour tattoo (Americans spell colour wrong!) It is incredible and the shade is so pretty, I wear it all the time now.

Can Can by Paris Hilton
XOXO by Mi Amore
These were in a 3 for $18 offer so I got these two and my sister got another. I’ll admit I didn’t know it by Paris Hilton when I bought it! But it smells amazing!!!

2 skirts for $10
I loved these skirts when I bought them but for some reason they don’t seem to lie flat when I wear them which I disappointing.
Did you buy anything cool over the summer?
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