Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Random haul!

Ok so this post was meant to go up before I went on holiday but I put up other posts instead, sorry. Anyway this is the other stuff that I bought for my holiday (the other stuff I bought is in my Primark haul here) so here is a lovely haul for you :D

Black dress from New Look – £9.99
Everyone needs a black dress. I’ve never owned a black dress before but I was in New Look and my Mum pointed it out to me and I fell in love with it when I tried it on, so  bought it!
Mint coloured top from H+M - £6.99
I thought that this would be really handy in America as it’s thin and loose and it did end up keeping me nice and cool on holiday.
Royal blue coloured top from H+M - £6.99
This is the same as the other one but in royal blue.
Leopard print vest top from H+M - £3.99
I LOVE leopard print so I had to buy this top!
Stripy vest top from H+M - £3.99
This is the same as the other vest top but stripy.
Hoop earings from Peacock - £1.50
I’m not really a fan of Peacock, but I did pop in and I saw that there were some really cool pieces of jewellery on sale so I had to buy them! These earings are so cool, I have to admit that I can’t see myself wearing them an awful lot however I think they’ll be fun for some special occasions.
Flower earings from Peacock - £3.50
Again these were on sale and I think that they are absolutely stunning! I’ve already worn them loads!!!
Bodycon dress from Apricot - £10
This was on sale and my Sister and Mum picked it out for me. I have never worn bodycon dresses because I feel that they amplify EVERY lump and bump I have, however I bought it for three reasons 1. My Mum and sister said I looked good in it 2. I think I need to get out my comfort zone once in a while and 3. My Mum offered to buy it for me ;D I have now worn it a couple of times and I do love it now!
I hope that you have enjoyed this quick haul! I have one more after this with the stuff that I bought on holiday, but after that I think I need to stop buying things or I’ll end up bankrupt before I’m even 18!
Have you bought any cool stuff for holidays over this summer?
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Friday, 15 August 2014

Big bun without a doughnut

This is not a hairstyle that I do often as it can be time consuming, however I was really proud of how this turned out so I thought I’d share with you how I did it. I do have to say that the way I do this style will probably only work on long hair.

Firstly, I find that I can’t make a really big bun with freshly washed hair so starting with hair that’s a day or two old works best. I start by brushing my hair in to a pony tail, bearing in mind that where the pony tail sits is going to end up being the centre of the bun.

This is the step that determines a good bun from a great bun. Taking sections from the pony tail back comb it. Really get in to it and create layers of hair. The aim is not to create a mattered mess (Although it kind of looks like that) the aim is to build up a big mass of hair that you can work with and style.

Next, once you've backcombed all the sections of hair, take all the hair and twist it (as though you’re doing a small twisted bun) around into the shape of a bun. It usually takes me at least 3 attempts until I get it right. Then Use bobby pins to secure it in place an fix any other bits around the edge.

Finally to jazz this look up a bit I added the flower band around it (featured in this haul)

Hopefully you enjoyed this post and will try out this look!

What hairstyles have you been trying out this summer? 

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Saturday, 9 August 2014

Primark haul!

I went shopping in oxford recently and I wanted to share what I bought with you. I bought quite a lot so I’ve split it up into two hauls this one is a Primark haul and the other one is everything else I bought (can you tell what is my favourite shop)!


Shoes - £8
I didn’t have a pair of smart shoes and I saw these in Primark for only £8 and I had to buy them! They also look great with a bright coloured nail varnish on your toes because it just peeps out.

Flower band for a bun - £2
I love the look of flowers in peoples hair, I think it looks so girly, but I’m not confident enough to wear the big head bands so I thought that flowers around a bun would look equally as pretty and is easier to wear. Plus when I’m on holiday it will be hot so I’ll probably wear a bun because it gets my hair off my shoulders and this band will make them look fancier.

Bow hair clip - £1.50
I don’t know why I bought this but it looks really pretty and I will definitely be wearing it on my holiday.

Necklace - £3

This necklace looks so cool and for only £3 who could resist?

Top - £4
Originally my sister picked this out and when I saw it on her in the changing room I had to try it on and she kindly said that I could get it :D . It looks really cool over a white strappy top with denim shorts!

Shorts - £10
I only really wear normal denim shorts but I thought that I would go out of my comfort zone and buy these patterned shorts.

Shorts - £10
I bought these for the same reason as the previous ones. I love them both and they look great with bright coloured tops.

Checked top - £8
I love this top I just grabbed it on the way to the changing room and I’m so glad that I did. It looks amazing with the black short that I bought. I don’t know how but it looks dressed up and casual both at the same time.

2 White tops - £2 each
I never usually wear white as it makes me look really washed out however with a tan (mostly fake I admit) I look good in white tops. I bought two because they get stained easily especially when wearing sun cream and in holiday it’s hard to wash things, plus they were only £2 each!

Black shorts - £3
Black shorts go with anything, they hide dirt, they are flattering and they were only £3… do I need to say any more?!

I hope you enjoyed this post :D I love watching and reading hauls, especially Primark ones because Primark doesn’t have a website.
Have you bought anything from primark recently?
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Monday, 4 August 2014

My First Haul!

Ok first of all I'm really sorry that I haven't posted in ages. I was doing really well at posting regularly then I had to do a 4 week induction into year 13 and I got lots of homework but I’m back and I’m going to be posting regularly again. I don’t think that I’ve ever done a haul before so this will be my first one! Basically I did a bit of waitressing at a wedding so had some money to spend for once when I went shopping for some bits and bobs for my holiday. I do have lots of other things that I bought separately but they will be in another haul.

Sunglasses from Matalan - £1.50
On holiday sunglasses are essential so I picked these out and amazingly they were on sale so naturally I had to buy them!

Necklace and earing set from Matalan - £4
I  LOVE this colour so when I saw this necklace and earing set I had to buy it! And it was soooo cheap as well which was a bonus. I always thought that Matalan jewellery was a bit frumpy but either I have been wrong all these years or they have got better, because the jewellery was gorgeous but I wanted to save some money for jewellery in other shops.

Butterfly necklace from Superdrug - £4
 I don’t know if this is just me but I never knew that Superdrug sold jewellery! But its soooo pretty and cheap as well. I’ve been trying to wear more necklaces recently because I think they look so pretty, the only thing with this one is that I think the gold might start to rub off as I start wearing it more.

Leopard print grips from New Look - £2.50
I bought a pack of three grips like this last year and I loved them but two of them broke so I thought these would be a good replacement (plus I’m in love with leopard print!)

Earing from Superdrug - £6
Before I bought these I only had simple little gem stud earrings and I thought that these look adorable especially the ladybird once, so of course I had to buy them!

St. Moriz tanning Mit and instant tan from Body Care – I can’t remember how much they were and the receipt has gone missing but together they weren’t more than £10
 I never use instant tan, I always go for gradual tan so I bought this to give it a try because my sister has it and I’ve borrowed it a few times. I have super fair skin so I can only use one coat at a time but so far I’m quite enjoying it. Unfortunately the mit seems to have vanished so hopefully it will turn up soon, fingers crossed.

Face masks from super drug – 3 for 2 which worked out around £2
I’ve recently started loving having baths and I like to put on a face mask while in the bath so I thought I’d try these out

Blue dress from New Look - £10
I absolutely love this dress. The lace in the middle is in just the right place that it extenuates my slim waist and hides my larger bum and thighs haha! Its also the sort of dress that you can dress up or dress down depending on the occasion

Blue crop top from New Look - £7.99
I love wearing a crop top with a skated skirt because I think that it looks so flattering on me so I thought I buy another short top to wear on holiday. Also I love the way this shade of blue looks on me!

Caramelised chocolate sunflower seeds from a small shop called grape Tree - £4.50

These tasted amazing! I know that these are in no way good for you but I tried to convince myself that the seeds were good for you and the coco bean in the chocolate counted as one of your 5 a day!
Hope you enjoyed this haul and I think that there are two more on the way for you if I can find the time to write them! I learnt a few things while doing this one like 1. Cut the ladles off things before taking the pictures and 2. Write down where everything came from and their prices so that you don’t forget. So hopefully the next two will be better!
Have you bought anything cool this summer?
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