Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Coping With Dry Skin

I think that I'm quite lucky in that I've never really had a big problem with my skin. I go through phases of getting a few spots across my T zone but it's never something that a bit of concealer can't hide. However I suffer from very dry skin especially in the winter so I'm going to share my 'expertise' on how to deal with dry skin.


About once a week in the evening I use Nivea Crème on my face. It's a very heavy moisturiser so I wouldn't use it in the morning but it's amazing to use in the evening.

I also use E45 on my face every morning as a primer. I find that most normal primers are mattifying and dry my skin out more. Plus I love E45 and it is amazing for dry skin.

Face Wash

I try to avoid and face scrubs because I've used them in the past and they dry my skin out so much! So when I'm suffering from a few spots in my face I use Witch Hazel. All you have to do is tip it on to a cotton pad like you do with nail varnish remover and then smooth it over your face. I think this is so good to use on dry skin because it isn't too harsh on your face but it somehow gets rid of any spot problems I have. 
Also every morning I exfoliate my face GENTLY. All I do is splash my face with water then use a towel to dry my face while rubbing it to remove and dry flaky skin (lovely!)


I used to use Maybelline dream Matte Mousse for my foundation in the morning. One tip, NEVER USE THIS IF YOU HAVE DRY SKIN!!! I would say that if you have dry skin then stick to liquid foundations because they tend to have more moisture in them. I use Rimmel Match Perfection in the shade Light Porcelain (Because my skins so pale, I swear I have some vampire in me somewhere down the line.) 

I would say that even if you have dry skin you should always use a bit of powder on your face to set your foundation and also to prevent it from slipping throughout the day. I am currently using Rimmel Clear Complexion. But only dust a light layer on because otherwise it will suck all the moisture out you face. 

I hope that if you also suffer from dry skin then this post helped you out a bit, I know how having dry skin sucks! See you next week BYE! BYE! XX


Wednesday, 8 January 2014


I'm am now officially a sixth former and it's safe to say that it is a massive jump from GCSE's. While I was doing my GCSE's its clear that I wasn't the best at being organised. I spent plenty of lunchtimes and break times frantically copying homework from my patient friends, and lots of late nights trying to revise 6 months worth of work when a test I'd forgotten about suddenly popped up. For the most part it worked, it probably wasn't the most efficient way of getting through my GCSE's but I came out of school with a good set of results under my belt! Then A Levels started... And I realised I was going to have to organise my life. So here is a list of the tips and tricks that I've developed to help me keep organised and hopefully help you out as well.

Tip 1 - Boxes

I have on box for each of my subjects except Media which I don’t have many folders for yet. These boxes are amazing and they came in lots of different patterns and were 2 for £10 in the Works!


                                              Tip 2 - An array of folders

Folders become your new best friend in sixth form. I started the year with one folder for each subject then that got too big so changed to a folder per two subjects then that go too big so changed to one folder per subject then that got too big so now I have around 3 folders per subject.


Tip 3 - Pots to organise use desk

You can get really pretty pots to use on your desk and I may change mine to more fancy ones soon. They are so useful and I even have one pot on my bedside table so I can do homework without ever leaving my bed (Lazy teenager tip!)


Tip 4 - White Board

This is great for writing important homework down so you hopefully don’t forget to do it.

Tip 5 - Post it notes  

I think that these are handy for when you are borrowing a text book for school because you can write notes on them without marking the book.

Tip 6 - Colour coded stickers

I use these to colour code all my folders so if some get mixed up I know what subject it belongs to.

Tip 7 - An endless supply of file dividers  

You can never have enough of these! They help so much at neatly separating your work out into sections.

 Tip 8 - Phone calendar

This is an amazing invention! I find this more useful that a school planner or wall calendar because I never check those as much as I check my phone. Also you can make your phone ring out loud when there’s something important that you need to remember. 
I hope that at least one of these tips will be useful for you. I might keep reading this post in the future to make sure that I'm still sticking to these organisational ideas.
See you next time :D Bye! Bye! XX


Monday, 6 January 2014

What I Got For Christmas

I love Christmas so much and my favourite thing is all the decorations that get put up but I love everything about Christmas! And on Christmas morning I love seeing other people open their presents and opening all of my presents. But there is always one present that I can't wait to open... my aunties present. She buys a box and absolutely fills it to the brim with amazing presents! So this post I'm dedicating entirely to the presents I got from her this Christmas

Can we take a few seconds to appreciate how amazing the box looks! Its designed to look like an old book and is covered with thinks for Paris.

I think this bag looks amazing! It’s got two compartments inside so is perfect for a wash bag and I’ve already used it for when I went away over New Year.

These soaps smell incredible; it’s what I imagine an orange grove to smell like. I cant wait to use them but I don’t want to ruin them.

This torch will come in handy in July when I go and do my Duke of Edinburgh expedition.

I haven’t used this nail kit yet but I can’t wait to see how my nails turn out after I think it will be really cool. 

This little owl has pink shimmery lipgloss inside and he's soooooo cute! 

This hand and body lotion I think looks stuning with the shiny colourful packaging and it smells amazing.

This ring looks so beautiful and it fits me perfectly.
I’ve never had gems and sparkles to go on my nails but I’ve seen pictures on Instagram of amazing nail art and I’m looking forward to giving it a try.

These earing look so pretty AND THEY’RE SHINY!

Do I even need to say anything?

I never usually use eye makeup remover but I look forward to giving this a try.

WOW!!! Do I need to say any more?

I’ve used this almost every day since Christmas and I love it!

I’ve used this a few times under my eye shadow and it feels so smooth!