Saturday, 28 September 2013

Spain | Day 1

I am really really really sorry that I haven't done a post for a few months now and I know that there is no excuse for it however I do have two excuses for it (I'll attempt to redeemed myself) Firstly I lost my camera charger which was a bummer because I had all my holiday photos on it but I finally got round to stealing my dad’s one so I now have a fully charged camera yey. Secondly I started sixth form this year and even though people warned me that there was going to be a lot of work, I underestimated what ‘a lot’ meant. Any way that’s my apology over so I can now explain the real reason that I am writing this post. In the summer holidays I went to Spain to see my family and I took lots of photos and had lots of fun so over the next couple of weeks am I’m going to share with you what I did. 

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Day 1

We started the day by going down to the beach and we tried calamari which is battered squid it sounds disgusting but it was actually ok! 
 The café we sat in had an amazing view! And there was a massive cruise ship on the sea. I also think that the umbrellas in the picture are so cool!
We then went for a walk in the sunshine and we saw this awesome house (wouldn’t mind living there)

 We were staying at our Aunties house and she has two of the cutest dog the one above is called Jake and the one bellow is called Joey.

We didn’t do lots on the first day because we were a bit tired from getting up at ridiculous hour in the morning to catch the first flight.  But the weather was amazing! XX


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