Monday, 10 August 2015

Product Empties

I’ve never done an empties blog post before but I’ve finished and collected a few products recently.  Before I throw these in the bin I thought I’d share my opinion on them.

This is a great moisturiser and it smells AMAZING. I’m already on my second pot. I’ll be honest, I don’t know if I’ll repurchase after I finish the pot I’m using at the moment. Like I said it’s a very good moisturiser and I’d definitely recommend it, but I’m a bit bored of it now so I’ll probably try out something new next.

This was a very good eyeliner when I first bought it! I didn’t have a problem with it smudging throughout the day like I do with other eyeliners. However when I tried to sharpen it the wood snapped all the way along so even though there was lots of product left, I couldn’t use it. I don’t know if I just happened to pick up a dud but its put me off buying it again.

I know what you’re thinking… ‘Hannah why are you using anti-wrinkle cream when you’re only 18?’ Well I ran out of moisturiser this winter and I was suffering from really really dry skin so my mum gave me this to use. I don’t know how effective this product is at reducing wrinkles as luckily I don’t have any yet, but it is amazing at being a moisturiser!

I bought this when I went to California last year and I loved it! I absolutely love the smell of it; it doesn’t really smell like any other lip product I've used. It also has a really nice cooling effect when you use it and it really feels like it’s working. I think I’ll definitely repurchase this at some point.

This is described as an ‘intensive conditioning treatment’ and I don’t think it delivered on that promise at all which was very disappointing. It felt like a normal conditioner but even after rinsing it loads it left my hair feeling heavy and it was still frizzy and still felt dry. I definitely won’t repurchase it.

I love this powder!!! If you haven’t seen it, it has a yellow, orange, purple and green section and I was a bit worried that it would turn my face multi-coloured but obviously it didn’t. It’s a very light powder and doesn’t feel cakey at all. I loved that it evened out my skin tone and I will definitely buy it again at some point.

So that’s it. I’ll try and remember to collect some more products that I've finished so I can do another post like this.

Have you finished any products recently? If so what did you think of them?

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  1. I think I have tried the olay cream before. I really want to try the carmex lip balm! Great post!

    1. The carmex is great! Its sooo much better than Vaseline
