Monday, 27 July 2015

What's in my Makeup Bag Part 1 - Face and Lips

I thought I’d share the content of my makeup bag because I love reading posts like this on blogs, and everyone likes a good nosey! I think my makeup bag has products that can be used to create all sorts of looks from day to night.

Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer in Fair 1
I love this concealer so much! I use it every day under my eyes. The only problem is that this shade is always sold out in my local Boots and Superdrug store as everyone where I'm from is so pale that they all need the lightest shade.

Maybelline Mattifying Powder in Classic Ivory

During the summer I tend to get an oily T-zone and I've used some mattifying powders that have made my face orange and cakey but I haven’t had a problem with this one and it lasts all day.

Collection Bronze Glow Shimmering Powder in 1 Light
This bronzer is great as it's light enough to be perfect for my skin tone but obviously dark enough to make me look a tad more bronzed. I use it as a replacement for blusher, I don’t usually contour which is why I don’t have a matte bronzer in my everyday makeup bag.

Maybelline Dream Matte Mouse in Sand
I mentioned this in my 'letter to the past' post. I threw the opened one away but kept this one. I've decided that this foundation is ok if you moisturise loads beforehand, plus during the summer my skin gets more oily anyway, but it's definitely not something I’ll repurchase.

Body Collection Strawberry Smoothie lipsalve
This lipsalve is always moving from my handbag to my makeup bag. I think lipsalve is up there with the most important things to have in a makeup bag and I love the smell of this one.

Tinted Vaseline
I don’t really use this much, I've never found Vaseline to be the best long term solution to dry and chapped lips, but it’s perfect if I'm having a no/little makeup day.

Sexy Mother Pucker Lip Lacquer
I use a tiny bit of this most mornings as I love the colour of it. I think it’s the perfect shade for every day.

I hope you’ve enjoyed having a quick gander at what’s in my makeup bag. Part 2 will be about eye products which is what I tend to focus on most days.

What makeup products do you like to have in your bag?
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  1. Great post! I loved seeing what was in your bag! :D

    1. Thank you! I like having a nosey inside peoples makeup bags too

  2. I've been meaning to share post like this too...
    That's a cute makeup bag. :)

    (◕‿◕✿) | Instagram

    1. I enjoy reading posts like this so I thought I'd do one too and thank you, my friend bought it me
