Tuesday, 18 August 2015

New Look Haul

I went to New Look the other day and picked up some really cute stuff for summer. I still think I'm buying these pieces at the wrong time of the year; it’s been raining non-stop recently, but I'm going to France in a few days so it might be a bit hotter there.

Handbag - £17.99
I used some vouchers that I still had left over from my birthday to buy this. I love this bag sooo much.  My last bag was also from New Look but it was slightly bigger and it had started to look tattered. I decided to go for a slightly smaller bag to stop me from filling it too much with rubbish. 

Skirt - £9.99
I think the pattern on this skirt is really pretty! I don’t like small floral prints or overly colourful prints as I think they can look a bit hectic. But this print is amazing, and because it’s just on a skirt it won’t be overpowering. 

Sandals - £7.99
I've been looking for some sandals for ages!!! I'm very fussy with shoes, especially sandals because I think lots of styles make my feet look weird. The only problem with these is that the strap is too loose around the back of my heel so I'm going to have to add an extra hole so I can fasten them tighter.

Earrings - £4.99
I had £20 worth of vouchers and you don’t get change from them, so I thought I’d use some of the leftover money from the bag I bought to buy these. I always seem to lose earring no matter how careful I am so I bought these to replace all my lost pairs.

Crop tops - £4.99 each

Crop tops are great to wear with skirts and I really like the style of these ones, so I bought them. The black one goes perfectly with the patterned pencil skirt I bought. 

I hope you’ve enjoyed this brief New Look haul, I hope we get a bit of sun at some point so I can get some wear out of the clothes at some point.

Have you bought anything or had your eye on something from New Look recently?

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Monday, 10 August 2015

Product Empties

I’ve never done an empties blog post before but I’ve finished and collected a few products recently.  Before I throw these in the bin I thought I’d share my opinion on them.

This is a great moisturiser and it smells AMAZING. I’m already on my second pot. I’ll be honest, I don’t know if I’ll repurchase after I finish the pot I’m using at the moment. Like I said it’s a very good moisturiser and I’d definitely recommend it, but I’m a bit bored of it now so I’ll probably try out something new next.

This was a very good eyeliner when I first bought it! I didn’t have a problem with it smudging throughout the day like I do with other eyeliners. However when I tried to sharpen it the wood snapped all the way along so even though there was lots of product left, I couldn’t use it. I don’t know if I just happened to pick up a dud but its put me off buying it again.

I know what you’re thinking… ‘Hannah why are you using anti-wrinkle cream when you’re only 18?’ Well I ran out of moisturiser this winter and I was suffering from really really dry skin so my mum gave me this to use. I don’t know how effective this product is at reducing wrinkles as luckily I don’t have any yet, but it is amazing at being a moisturiser!

I bought this when I went to California last year and I loved it! I absolutely love the smell of it; it doesn’t really smell like any other lip product I've used. It also has a really nice cooling effect when you use it and it really feels like it’s working. I think I’ll definitely repurchase this at some point.

This is described as an ‘intensive conditioning treatment’ and I don’t think it delivered on that promise at all which was very disappointing. It felt like a normal conditioner but even after rinsing it loads it left my hair feeling heavy and it was still frizzy and still felt dry. I definitely won’t repurchase it.

I love this powder!!! If you haven’t seen it, it has a yellow, orange, purple and green section and I was a bit worried that it would turn my face multi-coloured but obviously it didn’t. It’s a very light powder and doesn’t feel cakey at all. I loved that it evened out my skin tone and I will definitely buy it again at some point.

So that’s it. I’ll try and remember to collect some more products that I've finished so I can do another post like this.

Have you finished any products recently? If so what did you think of them?

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Monday, 3 August 2015

What's in my Makeup Bag Part 2 - Eyes

This is part 2 of ‘what’s in my makeup bag’ (Click here for part 1). For me, eyes are the most important part of a makeup look and I love trying out new looks. I have makeup in my bag that can be used for every occasion to create a variety of looks.

MUA Eyeliner in Black and White
I don’t use these very much however the white eyeliner is perfect at brightening my eyes if I've had a late night, and I use the black eyeliner on the outer third of my water line for a night out.

Binky Mascara
My sister and I bought this last year at the Birmingham Clothes Road Show. I loved it but my sister didn’t so gave me hers. This mascara is perfect for me as it separates each lash and builds volume. 

Collection Fast Stoke Eyeliner
I’ve loved this liquid eyeliner for years, I've tried others but this one creates the best line, I do however have to do two layers to make the line black enough but I find it so much easier to use than other eyeliners.

So Susan Dual Brow Powder
I bought this the same day I got the Binky Mascara at the Clothes Road Show, I only use this if I have a darker eye look going on. I use the darker shade over Rimmel Brow This Way and this creates the perfect shade for me.

Jordana Easyliner in Blue Devine
This is a bit of a weird thing for me to have in my makeup bag as I don’t use it much at all, but sometimes I'm just in the mood for a bit of blue eyeliner, so this is useful to have in my bag.

Seventeen Waterproof Mascara
As a normal mascara this is perfect at building volume and separating lashes. I would say it's more water resistant rather than water proof. If I spend more than an hour in the pool and I'm swimming underwater it tends to flake off.

Rimmel Brow This Way
My eyebrows are sooo pale and this brow gel is the perfect shade for me as it’s not too dark but it means that my eyebrows can actually be seen.

MUA Undressed Eyeshadow Palette
This is by far my favourite eyeshadow palette, I use it every day and you can create loads of different looks with it. I'm sure the naked palettes are as amazing as everyone says they are but I don’t have a spare £40 lying around to spend on one, especially when I’m perfectly happy with this one.

So that’s it! That’s everything I like to keep in my makeup bag. The content of my bag does tend to change throughout the year so I might do an updated post at some point. 

What are your makeup bag essentials?

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Monday, 27 July 2015

What's in my Makeup Bag Part 1 - Face and Lips

I thought I’d share the content of my makeup bag because I love reading posts like this on blogs, and everyone likes a good nosey! I think my makeup bag has products that can be used to create all sorts of looks from day to night.

Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer in Fair 1
I love this concealer so much! I use it every day under my eyes. The only problem is that this shade is always sold out in my local Boots and Superdrug store as everyone where I'm from is so pale that they all need the lightest shade.

Maybelline Mattifying Powder in Classic Ivory

During the summer I tend to get an oily T-zone and I've used some mattifying powders that have made my face orange and cakey but I haven’t had a problem with this one and it lasts all day.

Collection Bronze Glow Shimmering Powder in 1 Light
This bronzer is great as it's light enough to be perfect for my skin tone but obviously dark enough to make me look a tad more bronzed. I use it as a replacement for blusher, I don’t usually contour which is why I don’t have a matte bronzer in my everyday makeup bag.

Maybelline Dream Matte Mouse in Sand
I mentioned this in my 'letter to the past' post. I threw the opened one away but kept this one. I've decided that this foundation is ok if you moisturise loads beforehand, plus during the summer my skin gets more oily anyway, but it's definitely not something I’ll repurchase.

Body Collection Strawberry Smoothie lipsalve
This lipsalve is always moving from my handbag to my makeup bag. I think lipsalve is up there with the most important things to have in a makeup bag and I love the smell of this one.

Tinted Vaseline
I don’t really use this much, I've never found Vaseline to be the best long term solution to dry and chapped lips, but it’s perfect if I'm having a no/little makeup day.

Sexy Mother Pucker Lip Lacquer
I use a tiny bit of this most mornings as I love the colour of it. I think it’s the perfect shade for every day.

I hope you’ve enjoyed having a quick gander at what’s in my makeup bag. Part 2 will be about eye products which is what I tend to focus on most days.

What makeup products do you like to have in your bag?
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Monday, 20 July 2015

I'm Back With a Primark Haul!

I have decided to start writing on my blog again!!! I stopped for quite a while as I had literally no spare time; I was applying to University and sitting loads of exams. But there is nothing else I can do now as all my exams are over :D Although that's terrifying as it now means everything is out of my control, it does mean that I now have lots of spare time, and I miss writing this blog so I'm back!!! I went for a quick trip to Primark the other day so I thought I’d share what I bought.

Palm Tree Top (or cannabis top as my sister calls it) - £10
I don’t really know why I bought this to be honest. My sister and I were at the end of our shopping trip and I randomly picked it up as I walked past. I love it despite the fact that a couple of people have said that it lookes like cannabis rather than palm trees.

Sunglasses - £1

ONE POUND FOR SUNGLASSES!!! I really needed sunglasses and I love these so I had to buy them, I also heard somewhere that Primark sunglasses are very good at protecting your eyes from UV light considering how cheap they are.

Bikini - £4
I bought a bikini the other day but I accidentally got the wrong size! It does still fit but I wanted to buy another one that fitted perfectly. My friend also egged me on to buy this.

Flip Flops - £2
I find flip flops the most comfortable footwear ever and I'm camping in a couple of weeks so these will be perfect. There was lots of choice of flip flops at Primark, as there is every year, but these ones stood out the most as I love Mickey Mouse.

Purse - £5
The main thing I went out to buy was a purse because I’ve had the same one for yeeaaaaarrrs and it really doesn’t go with my handbag. Originally I was going to buy a purse form New Look which kind of went with my bag but then I found this one in Primark and it matched my bag more and was way cheaper!!!

Rings - £3
I’ll be honest… I have no clue why I bought these! I guess there was some weird force encouraging me to buy them and I’m only human so I didn’t have the strength to resist. Basically I thought they were really pretty so I bought them.

Bikini Cover Up - £10
Again, I don’t know why I bought this but I tried it on with a bikini in the changing room and it looked really pretty so I had to buy it.

Okey Dokey, that’s it. I’m beginning to think that I’ve bought these things for summer at the wrong time. When I bought them it was really hot and felt like summer was in full swing, but since then it’s been raining the whole time!!!

Have you bought anything from Primark or anywhere else recently?

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