Saturday, 8 March 2014

My List of 5 Film Recomendations

In Time
I found this film so cool. It's sort of like a SiFi new world kind of film. Basically the world is split into different sections based on how ‘rich’ you are. The world no longer operates with money; instead they pay for things with time. It quite hard to explain but as soon as you’re completely out of time you die. I really, really, really, enjoyed this film and I highly recommend watching it!

The Proposal
Wow I think this might be one of my most favourite films of all time. What happens is Ryan Reynold's character is forced to marry Sandra Bullock's character. It's so funny and a great film and I JUST LOVE IT!!!

Crazy Stupid Love
This film is amazing and it’s so heart-warming. There are loads of films set out in this way where there are different story lines, then at the end of the film they all come together, but I think that this one is definitely one of the best. The ending is so cool and I don't know about anyone else, but for me I didn't see it coming.

Magic Mike
You see Channing Tatum topless... do I need to say any more. Haha, I'm joking, obviously that is the first attraction to the film but behind that there is a really good story that grabs your attention.

Notting Hill
This I think might be my favourite film out of all of these. It’s about an average boy who meets a famous Hollywood star and falls in love with her. Some of the films in this list I admit are cheesy but this one definitely isn't. I can't praise this film enough and if you get a chance to watch it you definitely should.

Bye! Bye! XX

1 comment:

  1. Such a great post idea! and I love the proposal!Make sure to check out my blog!

