Tuesday, 25 June 2013

30 Day Snap #24

Today was the last day that I will ever have to put my school uniform which is quite scary! I've now done my last exam for this year which is an amazing feeling! I am now free (until I start sixth form) SCHOOLS OUT SCREAM AND SHOUT! Finally summers here, I'm free to shop till I drop...
If you are also taking part in The 30 Day Snap then I would love to see some of your pictures.

30 Day Snap #23

While doing my revision today I looked out the window to see my sister cutting the grass to help my Dad out. The picture isn't the best of quality because I had to take it quickly and it was through a window. I'm not quite sure what happened but I do know that about half an hour after this picture was taken, my Dad had gone out to buy some replacement parts for the lawn mower.
If you are also taking part in The 30 Day Snap this I would love to see some of your pictures. XX

30 Day Snap #22

I spent the day laying in bed wrapped in my blanket revising physics which is a subject that I've never understood however still managed to get good grades in it.
If you are also taking part in The 30 Day Snap then I would love to see some of your pictures.

30 Day Snap #21

I went for a walk with my dog and for once remembered to take my camera, yey! I took loads of action shots with my dog running in the field but didn't realise how hard it is to take a picture of something thats moving. I now have countless pictures on my camera of grass with just Alfie's tail in the corner.
If you are also taking part in The 30 Day Snap then I would love to  see some of your pictures.

Monday, 24 June 2013

30 Day Snap #20

Today was the last day that I will probably ever have a pasta pot from my school canteen. It looks kind of gross in this picture but its actually really nice and its fueled me through the school days for the past 5 years I've been at secondary school. I am still going to stay on at this school next year to do my A levels but I will probably have a packed lunch.
If you are also taking part in The 30 Day Snap then would love to see some of your pictures. XX

Saturday, 22 June 2013

30 Day Snap #19


MY PROM SHOES CAME THOUGH THE POST! I was so excited, they're silver and sparkly which goes with my purple dress. I was going to get some really high heels but then thought that it would be good I could walk without falling over. I've put the shoes at the top of my wardrobe so when I'm revising I can look up and see the shoes. My dress and bag are also hung up.
If you are also taking part in The 30 Day Snap then I would love to see some of your pictures.

30 Day Snap #18

Today I had a few free lessons so I went to the park near my school and met up with a few friends we sat on the play equiptment and chatted together which was fun. Its a really cheesy picture with our feet making a star but i still think that it looks cool.
If you are also taking part in The 30 Day Snap then I would love to see your pictures.

Monday, 17 June 2013

30 Day Snap #17

This was my fuel this morning that helped my get through my 1 hour 45 minute maths exam at 9:00am, which felt like 5 hours!
If you are also taking part in The 30 Day Snap then i would love to see some of your pictures.

30 day snap #16

Happy Fathers Day!!! Today it was fathers day which was fun. We didn't go out do anything special because I have a maths exam tomorrow. However my sister and I gave him lots of love and presents, including the peanuts and cashew nuts in the picture because my dad likes them; obviously, I wouldn't buy him something he hates.

If you are also taking part in The 30 Day Snap then I would love to see some of your pictures.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

30 Day Snap #15

Today it rained like mad but only for about five minutes, it was so weird. I actually like rain at the moment because I'm revising so when it rains I don't feel like I'm missing out on any good weather. I also really liked this picture and how the rains pouring down but the sun's still shining through the trees, but I couldn't see a rainbow though.

If you are also taking part in The 30 Day Snap I would love to see your pictures.

Friday, 14 June 2013

30 Day Snap #12, #13 and #14

I have 5 exams next week so I haven't had time to take many pictures, but my dog, Alfie, was playing with a tennis ball today so I took a few very cute pictures of him.
I was very proud of this picture.


He was very confused about what my camera was.

I decided to add this picture below. I clicked the shutter just as Alfie was tilting his head. I just thought that it was cool that the whole picture was in focus apart from his head.

If you are also taking part in The 30 Day Snap I would love to see your pictures.

30 Day snap #11

I've gained a new obsession with green tea! Usually when I revise I drink loads hot chocolate the whole time. But I used up the hot chocolate in the house and I don't like normal tea or coffee, so I tried some of my Mums green tea she had in the cupboard. I loved it, which was a big surprise. The only problem is that it makes makes me need the toilet a lot (not that you need to know).

If you are also taking part in The 30 Day Snap then I would love to see some of your pictures.

Monday, 10 June 2013

30 Day Snap #10

Its only going to be a quick one today, sorry. My friend and I sat in the library today while 'revising' and we managed to eat a substantial amount of chocolate, so I took a picture of the wrappers... as you do. XX

If you are also taking part in The 30 Day Snap then I would love to see your pictures.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

30 Day Snap #8 and #9

I'm running a bit behind with my pictures because I went to bed a bit late last night and didn't have a chance to blog so I'm doing yesterdays and today's snap today.

30 Day Snap #8


It was the village day this weekend where people raise money for the church. We always have a scarecrow competition where people make scarecrows and compete with each other. This year they had a theme which was books. So our family decided to make a scarecrow based on a best selling book... Fifty Shades Of Gray. I don't think we'll be winning the competition this year.

30 Day Snap #9
My sister took our dog for a walk around the village with a friend that lives on a farm. When my mum and I were walking around the village fate trying to find her we found her walking two calf's around the village. They were so cute I had to take a picture of them.
If you are also taking part in the 30 Day Snap I would love to see some of your pictures.

Friday, 7 June 2013

30 Day snap #7

Today I only had one lesson to go to. Me and one of my friends both live in villages which makes it hard for us to go to school at odd hours. So she came round to my house to get a lift to school about an hour before we had to go and we both did a page in our 'wreck this journal' which was really fun.

If you are also taking part in the 30 Day Snap then i would love to see your pictures as well.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

30 Day Snap #6

All the biology revision just got too much for little Alfie.
I left school early today because I'm on study leave (even though we still have to come to school for most our lessons). I actually did some revision which I was pleased with. But when my dog fell asleep next to me I thought that it was just too cute, so I had to take a picture of it.
If you're taking part in the 30 day snap then I'd love to see some of your pictures too.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

30 Day Snap #5

I have to get up at 6:00am tomorrow so I should really get to sleep soon. But I took this picture this afternoon when I got back from school, so I wanted to share it quickly. I went out onto our new balcony today, for the first time since our extension. It was amazing, I love this picture with my sister sitting on the edge and looking at the view. Don't worry we are going to get some railings around it but its not finished yet. XX

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

30 day snap #4

Today I had a random study period in the middle of the day. So I went to the park near school and there were loads of people from my year hanging out. I had a great time and revisited my childhood by making a daisy chain.

Monday, 3 June 2013

30 Day Snap #3

Well the time is ticking by until I leave secondary school forever. Where has the time gone? I remember myself walking into the huge school and being terrified to talk to anyone. Now even though I can still be shy I am a lot more confident than I was five years ago, a terrified year seven. This picture represents how fast the past five years have gone and how fast the next month is going to go.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

30 Day Snap #2

I wear the same make-up everyday and this morning I thought that I would try something new. I have never filled in my eyebrows before so I decided to use some eyeshadows and experiment with them. Looking at this picture it doesn't look like anything drastic but considering how light my eyebrows are naturally it has made a lot of difference and I might try it again. XX

The make-up I'm wearing in this picture:
  • Rimmel match perfection foundation in the shade light porcelain.
  • collection Lasting perfection concealer in the shade fair (1)
  • Maybelline Falsies Mascara
  • Rimmel Clear Complexion powder
  • On my eyebrows I used some eyeshadows that my aunt gave me for Christmas.

Starting A New School

Trust me your first day starting a new school, especially secondary school, is always going to be scary no matter who you are. There's only one bit of advice that I can give you and that is to be yourself and I know everyone says this but it’s true. Now having said that remember no one knows you, they don’t know if you were loud, bossy, shy or polite in your old school. It’s a completely new start. You can be whoever you want to be. If there are aspects of your personality that maybe you didn't like then this is your chance to change that. I don't mean change everything about you and act like someone you’re not because who wants to go around pretending to be someone else. What I’m saying is, this is your chance to be who you want to be. If you've always been quiet and you’re fed up of always blending into the background then this is your chance to act confident. If you're at a new school then no one will know any different if you start acting confident they'll think you've always been like that.

Just remember starting at a new school is like being given a fresh canvas, the possibilities are endless. Take this scary experience and turn it in to something incredible, take control. XX

Saturday, 1 June 2013

30 Day Snap #1

I have been inspired to do "The 30 day snap" which has been created by"sprinkle of glitter" (Her blog is amazing)  So everyday this month (hopefully) I am going to force myself to take a picture of what I've been up to that day. I think that this is a really fun idea because it means that I can look back at this blog and see through pictures what I have done over the course of this month. I am also very interested in photography so hopefully I can learn some new tips and tricks. This is the first picture I'm going to be posting this month.

Today I spent most of the time sat on my bed revising which to be honest was extremely boring. However the Maltesers that my Nana and Granddad bought me for my birthday made the day a bit more bearable and I managed to get through the whole box of them, with help from my sister.

My Birthday!!!

It was my birthday yesterday which was so much fun. I spent the day with My Mum and sister then later in the day one of my friends came round and we watched a film. I decided that I didn't want to do anything crazy, so instead my Mum made us a picnic and my sister, mum, and I sat in the back garden while eating and chatting together. I've taken a few pictures of the day to show everyone.

My Mum made some delicious cheesy biscuits

Alfie helped us to finish off all the food.