Thursday, 7 March 2013

Five things in my bedroom!!!

I'm going to quickly talk you through 5 random items that are in my room. I was originally going to do 10 items but I decided that it would end up being too long and I would start rambing.

My bed

Obviously I have a bed, I think most people do (accept Edward Cullen but he's a vampire so he doesn't count.) My covers have got purple and pink flowers on them, in a really nice design (From ASDA) Then also I have 3 cushions (from eBay) which I thought matched the duvet set. My bed is probably my favourite item in my room just because I love sleeping and I spend most of my Saturday and Sunday mornings in it.


The photo on the left is a 3D photo of London. When I first saw it I thought it looked so cool, so my Aunt bought it for me from HMV which is where I also got the frame from.
The two canvases on the right I painted myself. I got the canvases from The Works so they were very cheap, I can't remember exactly how much. I am in love with leopard print which is why a chose this design. On the second canvas I painted the background different shades of purple to match my room, then over the top I painted ‘Dare to dream’ which as some of you may know is the title of One Directions book, I also think that it’s quite an inspirational quote.


I decided that because HMV was closing down (so the DVD's are really cheap) that I would buy a few of my favourite films and some others. ‘The proposal’ I think is my favourite just because it’s funny and I think that Ryan Reynolds I awesome and gorgeous. Also I love Zac Efron so I decided that I would take ‘17 Again’ from my families collection of films and claim it to be my own.

 Big Ted!

This teddy bear, which I named 'Big Ted', has been sat on my bed for as long as I can remember. Apparently my Dad won it for my Mum at a fair before I was even born which I think is cute. My friends sometimes ask me why he wears a pair of pants... Why would I want to sleep with a naked teddy bear?

My Bin

This is a bit of a weird one, why would I talk about a bin? However I am quite proud of this little creation of mine. Basically my Aunt bought me this bin a few years ago. Originally it was all pink but recently I started to get bored of it. So I decided I would revamp it. I cut out lots of pieces of cool patterned paper from magazines and stuck them all around the bin. In my opinion I think it is the coolest bin I’ve ever seen, but I can’t say that I’ve seen many bins in my life.

This is just a brief summary of some things I like in my bedroom. I hope you liked it :D